This is clearly a very personal track you have made here, so with that in mind I took a long listen to the feel of the track, and judged it on its relevance as an outlet rather than a production standpoint. With that said, the volume has a few little inconsistencies with the overall mix, but thats just knit-picking.
It's fast paced, raw and very energetic. I love the arpeggio synths, and the fx usage. But the claps sound a little out of paced, which add just a bit too much old school to what was actually a very modern track. These tiny issues have lost you half-a-score, but I honestly feel that you are on the verge of a five-star masterpeice here with the arrangement.
Go back and have a look at the mix, take out the mis-matched aspects (Like the cheesy 1,2,3 count) and build a base onto what I feel is probably the STRONGEST synth arrangement I have heard on Newgrounds.
This is definitely one of my favourite tracks from your others, and I scored you a 4.5 based on its mind-blowing pace and scope. The raw emotional message is very clear.
Keep uploading, and thank you for sharing this with us. Big love,